So, should you choose Freeman or Harper (9/28/24)?
Batter vs pitcher
Today, Harper has the better matchup with an OPS of .609 against Gore (23 plate appearances). That's compared to Freeman's OPS of .435 versus Senzatela (17 PA). That's a pretty big difference, highly consider going with Harper.
Weather impact
Heavy wind (blowing out), hot temps, ballpark elevation, etc can all have a big impact on long fly balls. An extra few feet can be the difference between warning track and a 3-run dinger. In Freeman's game, our HRForce Index at first pitch is 1.1 (10% more HRs expected). Meanwhile, Harper will be playing under an HRForce of 1.6 (60% more HRs expected). So, long flies will travel a bit further in Harper's game. Weather edge goes to him.
Weekly Roster Lock Leagues
For those of you in leagues that require you to set your lineup before the start of each week, day offs can be a bummer. Everything else being equal, give the edge to players that play at least one more game a week. For the M-F week that includes 9/28/24, Freeman has 6 games scheduled, while Harper has 6. With the same number of games, they roughly carry the same potential value for the week.